Sad Statistics do not get me down

15 04 2012

bunnyRight now, more than 600,000 people are living with a brain tumor diagnosis—and each day, another 500 people are diagnosed. these diagnoses can turn worlds upside down.  I feel like I have the new job to heal and I am still there healing and feeling great…dancing and teaching,  and helping my customers party by putting them in the best costumes ever.

I am enjoying my life more, learning more than ever before about nutrition and am healing one day at a time…Wow, where did this crazy brain tumor come from…even all my research has not come up with a clear answer but there is a lot I can do and you can do…..A great website  for folks to understand this better is
Cancer you have scary statistics but you don’t scare me and I am learning and growing and fighting….

So this little bunny is not dancing with you Cancer

Cancer I will not dance with you even if I know your name…Chapter two

21 02 2012

So December was a month of fun holiday events but there was this odd feeling and rushing in my head so when January 2012 came, I called Dr. Chaudhari’s office and they said he would call back…oops….that did not happen and a week later, I called his answering service to ask the real question “how do I get a very busy doc to see me”….their magic answer worked  ” go to the ER and he will come”….woo hoo it worked and in the meanwhile, a very compassionate hospitalist (kewl name for the doc they assign to you when you walk in) said words the made me cry for the first time in this odd experience “let’s find out what wrong with you…..”  I was totally on board with that and after an MRI it was found that I had a tumor (later called gliosarcoma)  and Dr. Chaudhari came in and removed most of that sucker…..but tumors are evil and they leave evil cancer cells so now the fight begins….redheaded dancer against gliosarcoma…..stay tuned for more episodes….

nacheska and keka

nacheska and her honey who helps her fight